Photographer Expands Works Of Art With Perfectly Paired Outfits

By Liezel L

Art and fashion are never far off from each other. They both mesmerize, amaze, and fascinate people, albeit in different ways. Much more than that, they’re also two of the freest mediums through which anyone could express themselves, even without truly being an artist or a fashionista. And when they collide, well, it’s something truly amazing.

An artist who knows this well is matchwithart. The woman behind the Instagram account is dedicated to finding fashion pieces to match with various paintings from different museums and art galleries. The results are not only satisfying, but they can also leave one just a little open-mouthed and starry-eyed. Each photo is a unique work of art and we think they deserve a gallery of their own. Check them out. 

Zao Wou-Ki: Ciel – 12.01.2004, 2004

It’s so easy to confuse this for a painting, but nope, that is art brought to life, and well, there’s really nothing more to say about it other than, “Wow.” It’s amazing how she captured the colors, the light, and even the mood of the painting with her outfit. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

It’s like looking at a picture from a fairytale book, and what you felt as a child when you were looking at those books is kind of what this picture also makes you feel. We feel like we could just stare at it all day long. 

Kapwani Kiwanga: Flowers For Africa, 2013

Some bold patterns and colors can be pretty hard to rock in pictures. Sometimes though, all you need is a great background to make the most of it. That’s exactly what this woman did, and she nailed that classy look for this photo. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

She didn’t even have to do anything. She just had to let the flowers, the colors, the white wall, and the lighting work for her, and they all did to perfection. We wish we looked that good just standing next to a great background. 

Urs Fischer: Untitled (Giambologna), 2011

It’s not just paintings or wall installations that matchwithart finds matches for. She also does some with sculptures, and they’re just as amazing. In this one, in particular, it seems she put her own modern spin on the theme. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/ Instagram

Even her pose and her hair go with the artwork. If she were suddenly turned into stone, she could easily be part of that masterpiece, cape and all, and no one would blink an eye. We’re not so sure about that lawn chair, though. 

Alain Jacquet: Bombardement d’Alger, 1962

Looking at this photo, it seems like we’re playing a game of “find the woman.” If not for that hair swoosh (which is perfect, by the way), it would be pretty hard to spot her in the middle of that artwork. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

It’s like she took half of that artwork and made it into a dress. And how cool is it that there’s actually a dress that exactly matches that artwork? Who knows? Maybe the designer got the inspiration from that painting. 

Giorgio De Chirico: Le Vaticinateur, 1915, 

Sometimes matchwithart embodies the artwork, sometimes she wears the colors, and other times, well, she becomes the artwork itself. We love how she arranged everything from her hair to her pose to make it look like the figure stepped out of the painting to have a look at itself. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

Imagine though if artworks did suddenly come to life. We know a lot of them would be fantastic, but what about the more bizarre and abstract ones? How would they look? We hope they’d be as stylish as this woman. 

Cecilia Granara: Breathing You, Feeling You, 2021

Orange is not a color just anyone can pull off, and putting orange on orange isn’t a look a lot of people would dare to go for. This woman really said, “Why not?” though, and now, we have this amazing, fiery picture to marvel at. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

She’s on fire alright. If you want to be bold, this is definitely a way to do it. It is a definite eyecatcher, and it makes a statement like no other. It also kind of makes us want to do something bold and fierce that we haven’t done before. Inspiration, right?

Micha Laury: Sans Titre (Les Méduses), 2006

Much like books, art can transport you to places you have never been before or places you couldn’t possibly reach. This picture, for instance, gives us a glimpse of what it would be like if we were able to live underwater. It’s also one of matchwithart’s personal favorites. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

For some reason, it also kind of reminds us of the jellyfish scene in Finding Nemo where Dory gets stung then Marty saves her then the sea turtles pick them up. This would be how we imagine that scene would play out in a stage play or musical. 

César: Violet Mica 105, 1998

One thing that amazes us with matchwithart and her art is how considerate she is with the details. In this one, she didn’t just think of the color but even its texture. The simple creases it has made it looked crushed, much like the installation. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

It would have been so easy to put on a dress of the same shade and call it a day, but she said, “No way.” It’s such a simple detail, but it’s precisely that that makes this match perfect. That’s what artistry is. 

Ugo Rondinone: Black Green Yellow Blue Pink Mountain, 2019

Many people may think that art is intimidating or too serious, but matchwithart shows that it can also be a little fun and just as creative if you put your own spin on it. It just depends on how you choose to look at it. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

We love her fun spin on this one with that pink hat turned backward. That’s one thing you definitely won’t always see in museums and galleries, and we’re all for it. After all, you don’t have to dress a certain way to be one with art, right?

Hans Hartung: T1982-H31, 1982

This is just class, elegance, and calm embodied in one picture. We love everything about it, from the colors, the painting, the dress, the hair, the pose, all the way to how she captured the mood of the image. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

It makes us want to stare at the picture dreamily for hours on end. And it’s so simple! She just stands there. Oh, how we wish we could have such dreamy photos by just standing in place like that too. 

Pieter Vermeersch: Untitled, 2020

It’s challenging enough to match one painting or sculpture, but just imagine matching a series of paintings. That’s got to stretch your creativity to the limits, right? Matchwithart makes it look so simple, though. She has become an expert on this craft.

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

Aside from her creativity, this woman also has some mad fashion detective skills judging by the photos we’ve encountered thus far. Only an excellent shopper would have found a shirt that exactly matches this entire paint series to perfection.

Claudia Comte From Left To Right: Sculpture 1: Donatello (Italian Rabbit 3), 2019 Sculpture 2: Properzia (Italian Rabbit 4), 2019 Sculpture 3: Michelangelo (Italian Rabbit 5), 2019 Sculpture 4: Leonardo (Italian Rabbit 1), 2019

Sometimes, to embody an artwork, you have to become part of the art, and that’s exactly what she did here. Look closely and take a good look, or you might just miss the woman in this picture (although her hair gives her away). 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

We love how she doesn’t limit her matching antiques to just the sculpture’s colors or the painting. And we also love how she’s not too serious about it. It reminds us that you don’t have to be so serious with art to understand and appreciate it the best you can. 

Jan Kalab: Violet Void, 2021

We all have different ideas of what Instagram goals are. After all, we have other preferences in aesthetics, but we think we can all agree that this one is definitely Instagram goals. We’re just obsessed with everything in it. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

Also, can we know where she got that suit? It perfectly matches the painting, but it’s also a work of art on its own. We’re pretty sure wearing that and strutting down the street in a pair of heels can make you feel like such a powerful woman. 

Henri Matisse: Polynésie, Le Ciel, 1964

For some reason, everyone loves things that blend or match with each other. It’s just so pleasing to the eyes and so satisfying to look at. This match right here takes that satisfaction to a whole different level. It’s simply stunning.

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

It also gives us many Japanese origami vibes with the origami crane-like figures on her robe and the painting. Overall, she looks like she’s ready to have some warm, calming tea on a lovely relaxed afternoon, and the picture kind of makes us want to do that too. 

Fabienne Verdier: Opus Volcanique I, II Et III, 2005

If we could wear a piece of art, this would definitely be one of our top picks. Just look at the drama and the colors of those paintings. It would look so chic and sexy all at the same time. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

Even though matchwithart didn’t precisely follow all the colors on this one, we also love her pantsuit. We love how she complemented it instead of making both her and the paintings stand out simultaneously.  We actually adore the shade of blue on her outfit.

This Is A Collaborative Work Produced By 26 Women, Apy Lands: Nganampa Mantangka Minyma Tjutaku Tjukurpa Ngaranyi Alatjitu (The Law Of Women Is Alive In Our Lands)

Patterns don’t always work for everyone, and you really have to have some level of confidence to pull off most of them. Now, just imagine trying to match your clothes with a gorgeous painting with crazy patterns like this next painting. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

No matter how crazy all the patterns on this painting are, matchwithart amazingly still made it work. And somehow, it has increased our appreciation for patterns a lot more. We’d still leave all the pattern matching to her, though. 

Peter Halley: Another, 2014

Clean lines? Bold colors? A fun and eye-catching outfit to match? Count us extremely satisfied. We especially love how those colors go so well together despite not being the first colors you’d usually try to match with each other. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

Also, we could imagine her attire ensemble on the runway. In fact, a designer can make an entire collection out of this painting’s theme. Just imagine all those pops of neon with those rich dark hues walking down the runway. That’s a collection we’d love to have.

Christine Safa: Visage Ocre II, 2019

We know color blocking is always going to be in style. It’s such a simple way to be fashionable, after all. It’s not every day that anyone can achieve the same level of satisfaction that this picture provides with that specific style. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

This is one of her most straightforward works, but it is also one of the most eye-catching because of the bright and bold colors. It also does a great deal of highlighting and featuring the art and the clothes at the same time. 

Georg Baselitz: Jäger (Remix), 2008

Looking at this unique artwork, it’s easy to think there are no clothes that can perfectly match it. Somehow though, matchwithart found the perfect match, which makes us really wonder how she does it time and time again so well. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

No one can have a wardrobe that just coincidentally matches all those artworks, right? That would be bonkers (but super cool at the same time)! We wonder how long and how many shops this woman searches for just to find those perfect matches.

Zao Wou-Ki: 19 Août 2006

Despite what some people might say, abstract art is one of the types of art that is the easiest to appreciate. You don’t need to understand the exact interpretation of the artist. You’re free to make your perception on how you feel about it. That’s something matchwithart also wonderfully captures with her art. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

With her photos, you don’t have to discuss technique or depth or anything of that nature. You simply have to appreciate it for what it is and the joy we’re all getting from it. You won’t have to knock your brain out trying to come up with something deep and complicated. 

Jean Dubuffet: Scène Épisodique À Deux Protagonistes, 1974

This match is giving us major Parisian vibes. In this outfit, we could definitely imagine a chic Parisian woman walking down the street or having some coffee in a cute little cafe in the middle of Paris. We wonder if she thought the same.

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

Aside from that, it also reminds us of how they used to portray painters in those old films with stripes and beret hats. We don’t know how that became the stereotype before, but it gives this match an excellent old-timey touch. 

Georg Baselitz: Big Night III (Remix), 2008

One of the best things about the art world is that a painting or a sculpture doesn’t have to be conventionally pretty or pleasant to everyone’s eyes for it to be considered art or someone’s masterpiece. It simply has to express emotions or feelings. 

image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

We love how matchwithart highlights this feature down to every color featured in the painting. There’s no pressure to be an art critic. So, if you think the man in the painting has his man parts out or not, it’s up to you and how you feel about it. 

Hermann Nitsch: Sans Titre, 2009

Everything about this perfect match screams autumn and Halloween vibes to us, and we absolutely love it. From the colors all the way to her outfit and hair, it is making us wish autumn would come a lot sooner. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

As basic as it is, we’re not ashamed to say we’re craving pumpkin everything, from pumpkin spice lattes to pumpkin pies. Plus, we won’t mind busting out the warm fuzzy sweaters, the boots, and everything autumn-related in our homes. 

Christine Safa: La Montagne Veillant La Mer, 2020

This one reminds us of scenes from movies shot in the desert or the prairie. The girl with her hat, hair, and boots looks like she’s ready to take on the world no matter the horses, cattle, or wild cowboys she meets in her way. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

We especially love the touch of the orange hat because it matches the sky in the photo. It tops off the entire outfit quite nicely and gives life to it, much like how the sunset colors give life to the dark aspects of the painting. 

Claude Monet: Les Nymphéas: Soleil Couchant, 1914-1926

This piece is a precious one. It feels like it’s telling a story. We’re thinking something along the lines of Little Red Riding Hood mixed with Goldilocks. It’s just so whimsical that the entire concept of the picture looks like it came out of a fairytale. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

More than the story, though, can we talk about this woman’s wardrobe? With all the beautiful pieces she’s accumulated to match all this incredible art, she must have one of the most beautiful wardrobes out there. And we’d definitely want to have a few pieces from it. 

Rosemarie Castoro From Left To Right: 1. Blue Blue Y, 1965 2. Orange Ochre Purple Yellow Y, 1965 3. Yellow Pink Brown Blue, 1964

This set of paintings remind us, for some reason, of motor gears. And the fun thing about this picture is that it looks like she’s spinning to resemble gear parts working together in a colorful and well-oiled art engine. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

On the other hand, despite the everyday stillness and quiet in galleries and museums, it also looks like she’s frozen in dance. The movement and colors remind us of colorful fiestas and the lively music that has everyone up and dancing on their feet. 

Joan Miró: Bleu II, 1941

Some people might think that it’s easy to match your clothes with a painting or a sculpture, but trust us, it’s far from easy. It takes so much time, effort, and dedication to get one outfit to match perfectly with a picture. 

image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

She might just be standing in front of a picture looking elegant and all here, but as matchwithart herself admitted, there’s so much that goes on behind the scenes. She has to select the artwork first and find clothes that go with it. That is already a lot of work. 

Henri Matisse: Nu Bleu Iv, 1952

Sometimes, art and fashion don’t exactly have to be twin matches to be a perfect match. Sometimes, all you need is that one factor to connect the two together in harmony. In this case, it’s that slight tilt of the head. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

Any blue could have made the cut, but honestly, the head tilt with the arms makes this match as satisfying for us as the others. Much like many things in life, it’s not just about the clothes, but the art. 

Henri Matisse: Fleurs Et Fruits, 1952-1953

This amazing wall art reminds us of those colorful Mexican tiles. They’re fun and unique, and they make any place they’re in a lot brighter. It’s like they always bring a hint of summer and fiestas with them where you place them. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

This match also gives us those summery, fresh vibes. Aside from the fun wall art itself, her clothes make her look like she’s ready to go around town under the summer sun to meet some friends, grab some cool drinks, and simply soak in the warmth. 

Bernard Frize: Suite Segond 120f, 1980

If there is one pattern that has indeed survived the ages, it’s the polka dot. Whether it’s in art or fashion, the polka dot has always found its steady place somehow through the eras. And honestly, we’re not complaining. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

If polka dots were canceled eons ago, we wouldn’t be enjoying this playful little match right here. Just looking at it makes us want to have some fun or go to a party and dance the night away with our best buds. 

Victor Vasarely: Diuru, 1976

Is it just us, or does this painting also remind you of those early 2000s digital designs when photoshop and all those editing apps were complicated pieces of technology? Strangely enough, though, this painting was created even earlier than that in 1976. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

Looking at the entire photo, though, it seems as if she’s stepping into a portal into the digital world ala Matrix-style. It would be fantastic if that really were possible, but we doubt it’s going to be this pretty. 

Esther Stocker: Sculptures And Paintings

Lines on lines can be too overwhelming for the eyes sometimes but done the right way, it can be one of the most lovely things to see. Take this one, for instance. The right clothes and the right amount of space between the sculptures pull it all into one tight image. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

What we love most about this one is the contrast between the straight clean lines and the crumpling effect on the sculptures. It breaks the monotony of it all, just like how matchwithart breaks the monotony of all those boring stereotypical gallery pictures.

Marcia Hafif: 123., 1966

It’s incredible enough to match with a great piece of artwork crafted by a master artist. In this instance, though, matchwithart completes this painting. It’s like she was made for it, or at least her clothes are. Her skills are unmatched.

image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

The art is wonderful. There’s no doubt about that, but her presence and how she styled herself give the image a whole other life. We guess that’s how other art pieces are birthed and inspired by other works, right? 

Bernard Buffet: Torero Assis, 1963

When you can make it look like the art has genuinely come to life, we think that’s a sign you’re a master artist, and well, that’s precisely what this woman is doing right here. She looks like she’s looking at herself in some mirror that shows you the painted version of yourself. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

It’s pretty uncanny as well. It makes us wonder what would happen if someone had the power to give life to art. What would they bring to the real world? Mona Lisa? The screaming lady? There are so many to choose from. 

Pierre Soulages: Peinture 162 X 114 Cm, 17 Avril 1972

Who knew a matching shirt and a painting could make a whole other masterpiece, right? This wasn’t a coincidence, though. It’s the product of hard work. We wonder where it all started, though. We are curious to see what her first image was.

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

Was it just a coincidence that she came into a museum one day wearing something that perfectly matched one of the artworks? Or was it one of those artist light bulb moments that rarely happens to everyone? We’d love to know. 

Günther Uecker: Lichtbogen, 2020

When we were kids, crooked and squiggly lines were just part of life. As adults, those weird squiggly lines can be a masterpiece with so many different interpretations from person to person. Check these paintings, for instance, that matchwithart seemingly was able to match with her dress. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

If we were a kid, we’d just say the colors are pretty. As adults, we’d be discussing the emotions, meanings, and life philosophies that those paintings evoke. It’s not that we’ve made things more complicated as adults. It’s just that we’ve gained more perspective. 

Claude Monet: Nymphéas, 1914-1917

One thing that we absolutely love about matchwithart’s style is that she doesn’t stick with one time period or one type of art. She really goes the extra mile to explore and to try out almost everything. And she does it gracefully.

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

She’s done things from the most recent works and those that were made in the early 1900s like this one right here. Each time though, she gets everything to match perfectly from the colors and lines all the way to the mood of the artwork. 

Thilo Heinzmann: O.t, 2018

Everyone knows Instagram is all about pretty pictures, right? That includes pretty clothes, pretty views, pretty items, and, of course, pretty faces. No matter how many pretty faces people see, they just can’t get enough. Amazingly though, matchwithart managed to get away without that last one. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

For some reason, that factor makes her works all the more satisfying. It’s not that we’re saying flaunting your beautiful face is bad. It’s more along the lines of achieving something just as amazing and beautiful without doing what everybody else is doing. 

Pierre Soulages: Peinture 162 X 130 Cm, 9 Juillet 1961

Seriously, her wardrobe is to die for. Just look at that beautiful skirt with all the dramatic colors like the painting she’s posing with. That’s not the everyday skirt that you wear to the mall or to church. That’s something you flaunt. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

More than her art sense, her wardrobe choices also show that she has a great sense of fashion. She could even make her own line if she wanted. However, as she said in an interview, that’s not her line. She’d love to collab with artists though and fashion designers if given the chance. 

Robert Delaunay: Rythme N° 1, 1938

Much like how that painting which looks like a wormhole of multiverses and various eras seems as if it’s going to suck her in at any moment, matchwithart’s works do pull us into another world we don’t usually venture into. 

Image courtesy of matchwithart/Instagram

As matchwithart revealed, her goal is to encourage everyone to visit the art pieces that she featured and to convince people that going to places like museums and galleries is fun and far from boring. So far, she’s doing a very good job at that and she’s also convincing us to up our fashion game while we’re at it too.