45 Comical Bumble User Stories That Explain Why They Are Still Single

By Ziyee N

In this day and age, it is common to date or make friends online; if you’re someone who has tried online dating, you must’ve heard of the famous online dating platform, Bumble. Bumble is one site that challenges the antiquated rules of dating by allowing the woman to be the one to initiate contact first, giving her the choice of who she wishes to talk to. Online dating can be exciting because you get to meet all sorts of people from around the world. The conversations some users have are amusing and not in the same way as Tinder. “Overheard Bumble” is an Instagram account that captures some of the most interesting conversations that have played out between people who “matched,” and we’re here to share 45 of those conversations with you!

Why Are You single?

If you frequently date online, you must be very familiar with this question: “Why are you single?” This is probably one of the most asked questions of all time; honestly, it’s the one thing we’re probably most curious about the other person.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of The Sun

This question is complex and awkward to answer. Take a look at this Bumble user’s funny reply. Taking a play on chain letter emails is a smart way to make the other person laugh and avoid a dull and awkward answer.

Why Are You Here?

Another thing that we always want to know is what drove them to try online dating, and there are numerous fascinating responses to this particular question. Each one is more entertaining than the last. Here’s one that had us laughing out loud.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of anisha_d / Instagram

Many of us can relate to this person on a soul level, right? When we’re single, it feels like everyone else is linked up, and every time we scroll, we see another engagement announcement or something. Toss back that wine and get to swiping.

How’s Quarantine?

Since the pandemic started, many countries have initiated lockdowns, so everyone has spent more time than ever stuck at home. Many people have used this extra time to try online dating to make friends or meet their Mr. or Mrs. Right.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of All 4 / YouTube

So, naturally, a commonly asked question would be how their quarantine went. And honestly, the “I bet 9 out of 10 girls ask this question” was a solid pickup line. The guy must have been very flattered that someone thought ten girls messaged him.

No Phone Mornings

In a technology-centered world, most of us would reach for our phones as soon as we open our eyes in the morning because we can’t live without scrolling the ‘gram. It’s a bad habit, but we’re not planning to change right now.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of All 4 / YouTube

So, it’s said that if you find someone who looks at you instead of their phone first thing in the morning, they’re absolutely in love with you. We’d all love this, but is it the best opening line? Well, at least he laid it out there.

Where Do You Live?

When online dating, if you find someone you vibe with, it helps if you live near each other. If you live in different states, countries, or even continents, that first date will be on Zoom, just like everything else for the last year and a half.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of kkikitkittykitty / Instagram

These two Bumble users found out they live in the same area. They’ve watched enough crime shows to know not to give their addresses out right away. Therefore, the only reasonable thing to do is shout their names out the window and wait for a reply.

Date Planning

The best way to plan the perfect date is to ask the other person what the best date is that they’ve gone on and take inspiration from that. You can learn a lot about a person from their response to this probing question.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of First Dates / YouTube

However, it’s pretty hard to plan a date when you get a response like the conversation above. No matter. Sounds to us like this girl loves a good sleep. Asking for a nap date sounds creepy, but a pajama date with snacks and comedies? Gold.

Periods, ugh.

First dates are critical; you should do your best to make a good impression, resulting in second, third, and infinite dates. Unfortunately, it is hard to make a good impression when struggling with period pain and mood swings. Better to curl up with chocolate, ‘amiright?’

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of colinecreuzot / Instagram

Those of us who suffer from periods can undoubtedly relate. It’s not worth all the overthinking. But at least this woman had the foresight to realize she should stay home. Another night with Netflix was definitely better than that date would have been.

Only Available on Thursdays

Other than periods, your emotional state also determines the quality of your date. So, it’s important to choose a day when you’re emotionally available and mentally prepared to go on that date and be the best version of yourself that you can be.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of Channel 7

Thursday is the day for this guy. Because Mondays are hectic, Tuesdays are for panicking, Wednesdays are for consoling, Fridays are for chilling, Saturdays are for parties, and Sundays are for preparing for the new week. We totally agree with this!

Bad Hairstyles

Something else that could potentially damage the impression you make on your date is an ugly hairstyle. We all know the struggles of getting a new look we hate, and having plans to show up somewhere important makes us feel panicky.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of All 4 / YouTube

We’d be trying all we could to fake it, but you can’t hide bangs. Sometimes, it’s better to cancel and explain that to your date. We’re sure the other person would understand because who hasn’t had a bad haircut before?  

Funny Conversation Piece

Finding exciting conversation pieces that keep the conversation going is tricky; we don’t want to be ignored. Therefore, find topics that relate to both of you. That’s what is great about those bios. Use them, people. They hold the key to what this person considers a hot topic.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of First Dates / YouTube

This Bumble user asked a solid question about the other person and got a reply that resulted in a good laugh. Politics is a widely discussed topic. And even if you’re an American in a foreign country, people likely have opinions about the president.

Name Pronunciation

Since people worldwide use dating platforms, you’re bound to come across someone with names you’ve never heard before. One conversation starter is to ask about it. Asking the meaning behind it and how it is correctly pronounced are pretty safe intro questions.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of weddingwire.in

We only see a chunk of the conversation in the screenshot above, but it feels like the beginning of their budding romance. And if you ask us, there is some serious sarcasm being dished here. But we can’t tell if both sides intended it.

Villain’s Name

It’s unfortunate when you share a name with a famous villain, but it happens. It’s not often that someone asks how we feel about our villain name. In case you don’t know, Hans is the name of the villain in the children’s film Frozen.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of mhkuivis/ Instagram

The other Bumble user’s appreciation and surprise at being asked are evident. Who could have guessed it would have been such a good ice breaker? We feel bad for Hans, but you have to admit it is a great story.

Mom’s Name

Names such as Jessica, Adam, or Jane are very normal and commonly found. But what if you fell in love with someone with your parent’s name? Wouldn’t it be so weird to date someone who has the same first name as your mother or father?

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of Channel 7

This guy certainly thought it was weird. We love that the girl immediately was like, “bro, that sucks.” What we all really want to know is if they went out and he called her swagmeout420. Imagine their wedding hashtag. Ah, beautiful.

Not My Name

As mentioned before, asking about the other person’s name is a great conversation starter; complimenting them on liking their name is subtle flatter. Unless that is not their name. Then it might be awkward but could lead to more chatting.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of Channel 4 / YouTube

Bryan got drunk and decided to make a Bumble account (who hasn’t?) and mistyped. Common mistake. Now he was sober and regretting his carelessness, but hopefully, the woman he matched with laughed and laughed, and it led to more conversation.


Monopoly is a board game infamous for destroying families; playing the game requires participants to choose a piece representing themselves. Most of us have a favorite and wouldn’t want to use any other. This often causes squabbles between siblings.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of emilia_zasada / Instagram

Overinterpreting a simple question can make for a really amusing conversation; the Bumble user was just asking to be sure that she’d get her piece if they ever played Monopoly together. She was asking the real questions, and this dude was trying too hard to be clever.

Ugly Outfits

If you’ve chatted with a fellow online dating platform user for some time and decide that it’s time to go out on a date and meet each other in real life, it’s important to dress to impress for your first date.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of girlbabereels / Instagram

We’ve all gotten used to sporting our pajamas everywhere, but this guy was clearly so affected by quarantine fashion standards he was down to rock his Crocs out in public. But we do see potential in this relationship. He understood her “illness” completely.

Thermostat Setting

After you’ve gotten to know the other person for quite some time, you’re most likely now wondering if this relationship could go deeper. That’s when you gotta get down to the important things. Cats or dogs? Both? Maybe you can compromise.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of All 4 / YouTube

Both of you must be looking for the same things in a relationship. Getting a reply such as “the thermostat setting” says this guy means business. If these two agree on that, they might as well skip the nonsense and go straight to the alter.

2021 Shakespeare

Ordinary greetings such as “Hey” or “How are you?” are expected, so when you receive a greeting like “Huzzah,” you might be surprised since this phrase hasn’t been used unironically in millennia. We’d be impressed, but no one asked us.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of All 4 / YouTube

Also, huzzah is an expression of excitement, like “wow!” So if someone sent us this, we’d think they were super stoked to connect with us, and you can bet your bottom dollar we would ride that ridiculous train all the way to the station.

Proving Mom Wrong

Another sure-fire way to start a chat is by commenting on something in one of the pictures on their profile, and the conversation shall pan out. Honestly, anything could make a good conversation piece if you present it the right way.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of First Dates / YouTube

Complimenting the other person on their outfit is a great idea, and this reply definitely delivered! It had us laughing out loud. Flattered by the compliment, this Bumble user probably felt more confident in the outfit his mom hated after this exchange.

Athletic Fit

Most of us like to look fit, but it’s difficult to stay in shape; so, when we see someone who has an athletic build, we’re bound to ask them for some tips for staying in tiptop shape no matter what.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of hay_jaylove / Instagram

Getting complimented for an athletic body is great, especially when you don’t actually live that lifestyle; this Bumble user was pretty honest about the state of his fitness, and did it in such a humble and funny way that we are endeared.

Nice Interior Design, Ikea

As mentioned above, commenting on information on the other person’s profile is the way to go. However, with the help of misunderstanding, this can sometimes turn into a funny conversation, just as the exchange below turned out to be.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of E4 / YouTube

They went out of their way to compliment the interior design skills of the person they matched with, right? Little did he know the picture was taken in Ikea. Getting the message through to him was as hard as constructing an Ikea product.

26. Nice Tattoo

Pictures speak a thousand words, so what do your pictures tell others? How will your potential matches interpret them? It’s nice to have someone notice small details about you just by looking at the photos you’ve posted on your profile.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of Channel 4 / YouTube

However, it could get awkward if someone assumes your bruise is a cool tattoo with a special meaning to it. Little did this curious questioner know, the “tattoo” had a less fascinating and romantic history than she was probably expecting.

What Are Your Dreams?

Another awkward thing that might occur in your conversations and make for good stories is misinterpretations of what the other person has said. For example, dreams can mean what you saw in your head while sleeping or future goals you want to achieve.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of Daily Mail

This Bumble user misinterpreted future goals for dreams in your sleep and gave a funny response to the question. Although the reply was not specific to the question asked, it was still a great response and a fascinating topic to talk about.


Misspellings. We have all mistyped something and changed the entire meaning of the original message we wanted to convey. Oh man, that’s awkward sometimes. Usually, it can be understood without some big explanation. And other times, this happens.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of nick_nesterenko / Instagram

Confusing “bald” and “bold” is more than a misspelling. The other user was quite confused as to why bold was a negative trait until the first user said he was going to throw all his hats away. They weren’t only on a different page; they were in different books.

How’s The Market?

Here is an example of something that could have gone sideways but was perfectly executed. Asking about the market was this person’s way of being clever. Get it? It’s like asking about the weather but ironically so that you can expect a funny answer.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of First Dates / YouTube

Therefore, this user responded with this, which was above and beyond expectations. Now, he included every answer he could possibly think of. We’re glad he caught on his because it could have been awkward if he’d misinterpreted the question.

What Flowers Do You Like?

One way you could avoid those awkward responses caused by misinterpretations is to ask the other person to clarify their question. This way, you’d get something distinct and clear to work with, and you could give a clear answer.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of ashleyjanemac / Instagram

Because this Bumble user straightforwardly asked what the other user was referring to and gave a clear answer, she not only provided more hints about her personality but her expectations as well. Better to show up empty-handed than with flowers over doughnuts, my dude.

Essential Services

The term “essential workers” didn’t exist before the whole Corona thing, but now it’s a thing. When asked about quarantine, those in this category would probably say they’ve spent the entire thing busting their butts, whether behind the register or in the hospital.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of Channel 4

Being able to commiserate with another person who didn’t get to enjoy the WFH perks is awesome. You could share experiences you’ve encountered, right? Even these two probably found some crossover. Listen, we can all agree our delivery guys were angels when we couldn’t go out.

Stand-up Flirting

For those new to online dating, or dating in general, flirting can be rather complicated. Even those who are experienced occasionally struggle to flirt without making the other person cringe. Meeting someone kind enough to teach you how to flirt is a blessing.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of E4 / YouTube

This Bumble user was nice enough to teach her fellow user the art of flirting. But it looks to us like the guy is going to have to get by on his personality and integrity. A stand-up person on a dating site? Sign us up, pronto.

False Advertising

Catfishing and false advertising are common on online dating platforms; most users do this because they want to be more attractive, and a few do it for nefarious reasons. The normal ones use pictures with dogs because they know it will attract people.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of Channel 7

In this conversation, Matt’s photo with a dog attracted this girl’s attention. However, it wasn’t his. Trying to make up with it by bragging about his height did nothing. The dog lover surely bailed and went to search for someone else.

Spill the Tea

Incorporating different elements and using puns in conversation can elevate dull discussions into memorable ones. However, it requires you to be creative and takes some time for you to think of a good reply. But two punny people can make it last forever.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of E4 / YouTube

It is so amusing just to read this little snippet of the conversation between these two; you can tell they were having so much fun with their chat, and it is tea-riffic to see! We wonder if they moved on to general food ouns after this.

So Much Chemistry

You could incorporate so many different things into your conversations to make them exciting and get a good laugh out of your partner. Thinking of creative replies takes some time, but it is really worth it to get their reaction!

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of E4 / YouTube

Instead of incorporating different types of tea in your conversation with your online date, try incorporating chemistry elements for a change as these two Bumble users did. They are adorable, and we can see that they indeed had chemistry.

35. Fruitful Conversations

We clearly love our puns, and we wish someone would slide into our DMs with this kind of gold. Again, this type of conversation takes some time, but if someone tried this hard to get our attention, we’d be tickled.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of Channel 4 / YouTube

These two Bumble users are a pear made in heaven; their conversation was light, funny, and a great read! We especially like the phrase “I like you from my head tomatoes,” but “orange you glad you swiped right” is a close second.


Occasionally, the conversation pieces that we use just aren’t interesting enough for the other person to keep the conversation rolling, and we’re ghosted. But don’t take it personally. Take some inspiration from this user, who caught on to the game quicker than we would have.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of All 4 / YouTube

A reply like this makes you look funny and easygoing for not taking being ignored to heart, which is an excellent characteristic when it comes to online dating. Maybe after that reply, this person got a reply from the other user!

Ghostbuster 2

It sucks to have someone leave us on read, and occasionally we even remember it after some time has passed. Wouldn’t it be funny to reply to yourself? It’s also a casual way to tell the other person that they haven’t responded.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of Oregontelevision / Instagram

After replying to his initial message back in 2018, he decided to try again and said that he doesn’t go on the app as much, thus the “late reply.” It’s a sneaky tactic, but it got the other person’s reaction! Ten points to Gryffindor.


When we’re ghosted, we don’t expect to ever hear from the other person again. Occasionally, a few of those people who ghost you might reply to your message after some time. The overdue, and frankly unwanted message would surprise you for sure.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of First Dates / YouTube

If you’ve ever encountered a situation like that, you’d understand this statement by overheardbumble’s Instagram account. There’s a new phrase to describe people who come back to your message after some time, and it’s one we wish we didn’t need.

Low Expectations, Big Surprise

It’s always heartwarming when someone acknowledges your birthday personally because everyone sends their good wishes through social media in this day and age. We’re thrilled to receive personal messages, even if no one has to remember our special days by heart anymore.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of charmincbr / Instagram

That’s why this Bumble user felt like she was being proposed to; the birthday wish from her online date was unexpected, and it’s safe to say he was thrilled with her reaction as well. As they say, the lower the expectations, the bigger the surprise.

Quarantine Jokes

Jokes are a great way to break the ice and impress that person you swiped right on. Since quarantine is something everyone is going through, it’s reliable to joke about because we all relate. In a way, it’s brought us together while keeping us apart.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of leelo_journal / Instagram

We think everyone would agree that our sleep schedule was a joke during quarantine. You can tell the other person was so proud of their pun, they didn’t even respond. What better way to spend lockdown than coming up with knee slappers?


Whether or not you want kids should also be clarified at the beginning of the relationship. Sure, it can change for some of us, but it might be our line in the sand for others. If you’re not sure where you fall on that issue, there are some profound online quizzes you can take. Try, like, Buzzfeed or something.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of Channel 4

This Bumble user asked this question and got an interesting reply. We see by her emoji response that she probably moved on to another potential suitor. But like all of us here, we’re sure she admired his honesty and humor.

Never Give Up

Whether online dating or dating in “real life,” we’re bound to get rejected once or twice. But if you’re turned down the first time, why not try again? The other person may say yes, but if they don’t, it’s still an A for effort.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of E4 / YouTube

This user got rejected for a drink date the first time, but instead of giving up, he switched up the type of beverage; we sure hope he got his date for all the effort he put in for asking her out.

Verified Cat

Instagram has the function of verifying accounts owned by notable public figures, celebrities, or global brands. Verified accounts have the advantage of standing out from regular Instagram accounts; the blue tick helps other users identify these accounts better and avoids confusion.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of All 4 / YouTube

However, it’s weird to have a verified account for a cat, isn’t it? But is it stranger than having your first date with someone you met through an online dating platform on Valentine’s Day? We think so, so we hope they went for it.

Quickest Way to Win Hearts

If you’re falling in love with someone you met on online dating platforms, you must want to figure out the quickest way to win that person’s heart, right? So why not ask that person directly? You’d surely get a clear answer.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of All 4 / YouTube

This guy got a witty reply instead that made us laugh. The way to this woman’s heart was to reject her after she decides she’s into you. Ouch. Hate to admit it, but we’ve been there too, and hopefully, history didn’t repeat itself.

Adulthood Date

We want to plan enjoyable dates, but it doesn’t help to be stuck in traffic all night and get to the location by nearly midnight. Also, crowded date spots are a bad first date environment because you and your date can barely hear each other.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of BBC/Chanel 4

Friday night dates in big cities like Los Angeles are a little like being in a mosh pit. Now, here is a smart cookie. Better to spend the night in and go for a reasonable lunch date during the week than fight traffic.

Reusing Openers

There are so many people using Bumble that it’s hard to keep track of everyone we’ve matched with, especially if you keep deleting and redownloading the app. It could be very awkward to match with the same person and use the same opener.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of _andrewboulier_ / Instagram

This person didn’t even realize that it was the same person until the next day, and the other user kindly informed them that they used the same conversation opener too. We get the feeling it didn’t go anywhere after this.

Weird Openers

We understand that it’s challenging to think of good conversation starters. The best are the ones that make you look funny and can keep the conversation going. As for Jamell, we think he’s received a pretty unique conversation opener. He didn’t even hesitate or ask why that was her opener of choice.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of All 4 / YouTube

If we were asked this question, we wouldn’t hesitate either, and we might get really excited about the match. It turned out pretty well for these two because both at least like potatoes, even if they don’t share the same favorite.

COVID-19 Conversation Opener

Try being honest like this Bumble user and tell the other person that you’re not good with conversation openers and switch to a relatable question that requires the other person’s opinion. This might be refreshing to the other person.

Conversation courtesy of overheardbumble / Instagram; Image courtesy of First Dates / YouTube

Who knows? You might be able to find someone who would find you attractive. Additionally, it’s a great way to determine if this person is the right match for you and whether both of you have the same opinion on a particular matter.