Hacks To Help You Stick To Your Diet
We’ve all been there. Every summer, we convince ourselves that this time, we’re going to create a diet and stick to it – then, we lose our motivation, ambition or get too caught up in all the new dieting trends that it all becomes too much, and we give up on going on a diet altogether. And just like that, it’s time to start all over. We’ve found some tricks for keeping on track, and we’re happy to share the knowledge!
Drink, Drink, Drink
Our bodies often mistake our feelings of thirst for hunger. We end up overeating and under drinking, and we become dehydrated. It’s important to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day. Water hydrates you and helps to aid digestion and prevent bowel obstructions that could make you feel bloated.
Create a Realistic Routine
When going on a diet, it is important to create a realistic eating schedule and one that you can stick to. For example, if you know you’re always running late for work in the morning and don’t have time for breakfast, make sure to stock up on fruit or pre-make a healthy breakfast that you can grab and take with you to work. If you don’t have a proper eating schedule, you may end up getting hungry and binging on all the wrong things.
Don’t Let the Weekend Ruin Your Good Progress
It’s finally Friday, and all you want to do is enjoy a glass – or bottle – of wine and eat your favorite snacks. “You deserve it after a long week,” you tell yourself as you munch on a chip. “You’ll get back on track on Monday.” This is literally the worst thing you can do to yourself. First of all, you’re breaking the routine you spent the whole week getting into, making it even harder to get back to on Monday. Second, you’ve also put on some weight from all those snacks that you’ll have to try to lose again next week. Rather than breaking your diet every weekend, set yourself some goals, and once you reach those goals, you can treat yourself to something extra.
Managing Emotions
Managing your emotions is similar to managing your weekend cravings. You need to remind yourself that even if you are feeling sad, stressed or angry, eating a slice of cake or two huge helpings of pasta isn’t going to help you. In fact, studies show that foods packed with carbohydrates actually contribute more to negative moods, and foods packed with more vitamins and antioxidants – like fruit and veggies – are actually better for fighting a bad mood.
Realistic and Manageable Goal Setting
When setting your goals, make them attainable. Don’t set goals that aren’t manageable or realistic. Say you want to go to the gym every day, but work from 9-5. There might be one or two days in the week that you end up working late and can’t make it to the gym. So instead of beating yourself up about it, make that goal 3 times a week. If you do more, great, but at least you have two rest days in case. Believe it or not, especially when training hard, rest days are actually necessary for you too.