Inexpensive Beauty Hacks

By Ishita P

Alright, listen up, beauty buffs and wellness warriors! We all want to look fabulous without declaring bankruptcy, are we right? Maintaining your gorgeous self doesn’t have to drain your bank account. Sure, the beauty aisle is calling your name with its siren song of flawless skin promises, but let’s be honest—it can be a financial rollercoaster. But fear not! We’ve got your back with a budget-friendly beauty and wellness manual. We have gathered beauty hacks that won’t make your wallet cry.

1. Discover the Versatility of Lipsticks

Lipstick—hearing this word will instantly make you think of a product used on the lips, but do not let its name deceive you because it has many hidden talents. Yes, you do not have to limit the usage of lipsticks solely to your lips.

Image courtesy of butterkoala/Reddit

You can dab some lipstick with nude or pink shades on your cheeks to add a hint of blush or apply it on your eyelid as an eyeshadow. So, from now onwards, you don’t have to spend money on lip color, eyeshadow, and blush separately; you can easily beautify yourself with just one product.

2. Layer Perfumes with Vaseline

Smelling good is one of the keys to feeling beautiful, but often, our perfume can part us way sooner than we expect it to. However, with this simple and cost-efficient trick, you won’t have to worry about the short-lasting power of your fragrances anymore.

Image courtesy of redbookmag/Pinterest

All you have to do is take a dollop of Vaseline petroleum jelly and apply it to the pulse points of your skin. Follow this up by spraying the perfume on the same areas, and you’ll find that the scent stays much longer, making you smell aromatic and fresh all day.

3. Water for Fast Drying of Nails

Adding some colors to your nails can instantly make your hands look manicured, but only if the nail polish sits on your nails obediently without getting smudged here and there. This is easier said than done because drying nail polish takes ages!

Image courtesy of Unknown User/Pinterest

But worry no more; you only need water to overcome this hurdle. Just take a bowl of cold water and dip your freshly painted nails in it for 15 seconds, or you can also wet your hands in cold running water. Trust us; it will give you salon-like nails at home at no charge and time.

4. Perfect Contour with Fork

Proper contouring gives our face an immediate sculpted look. Even though multiple tutorials exist online for the same, mastering the art of contouring may seem difficult. But worry no more because the key to achieving this lies in your kitchen.

Image courtesy of makeuphousehold/Instagram

Take a fork and place it on your nose in this way. It will guide you through the areas you need to highlight and shade. Once done, blend the areas neatly with a brush and get the perfect contoured look without spending time, money, and energy on those makeup tutorials.

5. Trick to Apply Undereye Concealer

The area surrounding the eyes is very sensitive. Along with dark circles, this is where signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles, start to become visible early. Although a concealer can help conceal these issues, you can only get the right coverage through the correct application.

Image courtesy of bloglovin/Pinterest

The best way to apply concealer under your eyes is by gliding it in an upside-down triangular shape and blending it downward. It will make your eyes appear brighter and more youthful. However, ensure you’ve moisturized your skin and applied foundation before doing this.

Click here to read the full article and uncover exclusive tips and tricks that bring the lavishness of high-end beauty without breaking the bank.