The Do’s And Don’ts For Striking A Pose To Always Be Camera Ready
If we had to guess, we would say that the only time taking pictures wasn’t common was when the first cameras were created. Nowadays, it’s uncommon not to take pictures, especially when basically every single technological device has a camera now. While it is great to take photographs — whether it’s for showing off or to save your favorite moments in your camera roll — the tricky part of this process is that it isn’t always easy to take good pictures. You have to be mindful of the lighting, angle, pose, outfit, and lots of other things! Luckily, many photography experts offer their help on Instagram, and one of them is Bonnie Rodríguez Krzywicki. Bonnie shares lots of tips that will make your photos look as if a professional photographer took them. Enjoy these 45 photography tips to make you look great in your photos!
Look stylish with your boo
Are you going on vacation with your significant other? If you guys are looking for ideas on how to pose for couple pics, here’s a great tip. Instead of taking the usual photo where you’re standing side by side with your lover, you can look stylish like this…

Sit down on the nearest bench, get your boyfriend or girlfriend to stand beside you, and tell them to look in the other direction. After that, you just have to make a serious face (they make you look chic) and look cool.
Sit straight to look fancy
In case you are planning on wearing a fashionable outfit that makes you look fancy, your pictures will have to match the outfit. You can’t wear chic clothes and take photos that make you look clumsy. We have a tip for you.

Taking pictures while sitting down can be quite tricky. If you slouch, you won’t look as good in your pictures. So, straighten your back and bring your knees together while slightly bending the nearest leg to the camera. And never look directly at the camera — that’s the key to looking fancy!
Make casual clothes work for you
Obviously, none of us are going to wear fancy clothes all the time. In case you are going out for a jog, and you want to take a picture, there is a way to pull off the simple athletic fit. Check it out!

If you want to make jogging look cool, look for the nearest bridge and stand against the guard rail (it helps if the railing looks nice, just like the one in the picture). Put your feet up against the railing and look away from the camera. You’ll make all your friends wish they looked as good as you do when going for a jog!
Side profiles are chic
Many people may struggle with their side profiles, but the truth is, if you manage to take a good picture of your side profile, that picture will look amazing. Nothing compares to posing like this — it’s no wonder that photographers are constantly snapping photos of models’ side profiles.

If you just got your hair done and you want to show it off to the world, don’t just take a selfie or photo of yourself staring straight at the camera. Turn to your side, look off to the horizon, put an arm across your stomach while bringing the other hand to the side of your face, and turn your top into an off-shoulder top. Now, you can show off your hair and look fabulous!
Lighting is key
Your pose will determine how good your pictures look, but so will the lighting. You can’t expect to get a nice picture of yourself in a place with poor lighting. Luckily, you can fix that issue with photo editing apps.

When you want to take a picture outside, make sure to tweak the settings on your phone’s camera app. Another tip to make these kinds of images look nice is to always snap the photo when you’re walking forward — it makes your legs look nicer!
Make mirror selfies work for you
Mirror selfies are iconic, and most of us have taken these selfies before. If you haven’t tried to post a mirror selfie, are you even using social media correctly? The thing with these selfies is that they may not always compliment your figure.

When you take a mirror selfie, one arm will be supporting the camera, and many people don’t know what to do about their other arm. According to Bonnie, instead of letting it hang by your side, you can put your hand on your waist and slightly turn your body to the side.
Use glass panels in your favor
Are you staying in a cute hotel room and want to take photos of yourself in it? In case there is a glass panel in your room, you can use it as a prop for your glamorous photos. Want to know how? It’s quite simple, as you’ll see below.

Bonnie says that instead of taking regular photos in your room, you can stand behind the glass panel (or glass door or glass window) while your photographer stands on the other side of the glass. This way, the reflection will make you look chic and give your photo a professional feel.
The angle of the camera will change your photo completely!
When you are taking pictures, you have to keep a few things in mind if you want your photos to come out looking like you were in a professional photoshoot. One of these things is the angle of the camera.

You don’t want the camera to take a picture of you from a higher angle. If the camera is capturing you from top to bottom, you will look way shorter. Now, if the camera is photographing you from bottom to top, you’ll look taller, and your legs will look amazing!
Crouching pictures make you look powerful
If you want to make your Instagram feed look powerful and to die for, you have to not only try to maintain the same aesthetic for your pictures, but you should try to take photos that make you look powerful.

The first thing you have to do is stop smiling. We know that smiling is all sorts of amazing, but smiles don’t make you look powerful. It makes you look cute. Instead, crouch (and keep your back straight) like Bonnie does and put on your best RBF (Resting B**ch Face)!
Don’t take pictures standing straight
One of the biggest mistakes people make when taking pictures is standing straight and locking their hands in front of their bodies. When you do that, you throw away any chances of showing off the curves of your body!

In the first picture, you can see what we are talking about. That pose is not doing any good to Bonnie’s body, but she has the perfect solution for that. Put one hand up the wall and the other one in your front pocket, and then put one leg in front of the other. This way, you’ll look thinner and like an Instagram model!
More tips for posing at the beach!
When you go on vacation at the beach, you certainly want to take pictures to share your happy moments with your friends and Instagram followers. In case you want to make your beach vacation pictures look amazing, here’s another tip for you!

Instead of sitting on the sand, you can stand on your knees and hold onto the sides of your swimsuit. When you do a pose like the one in the picture on the left, it looks like you have a couple of extra pounds. Bonnie says that when you do the second pose, you look thinner and like a catalog model!
Always cross your legs!
Lots of mothers are constantly reminding their daughters to cross their legs. According to them, women should cross their legs whenever they sit down — but we know that you don’t really have to follow that advice. However, you can cross your legs when taking pictures!

If you don’t want to “sit like a lady,” you can “stand like a lady” instead! All jokes aside, when you cross your legs for pictures, it makes your legs look longer, and it also helps your cute outfit stand out.
Remember the foot pop!
When taking pictures, you can choose how you want to come across to the viewer. Do you want people to think you’re cute, or do you want them to look at you and see a girl boss? Each pose will determine how you look.

We know that the protocol was not to smile in pictures — but you can ignore that rule of thumb and smile if you want to look cute. Not everyone wants to look serious in their photographs, so you can plaster a big smile on your face, open your arms, and don’t forget the foot pop!
Levels are perfect for pictures with your love!
When you want to take a picture with your significant other, you have many options. You guys can look goofy, cute, sexy, or just plainly in love with one another. The only thing you need to know is how to pose so that your pictures together will look amazing!

Instead of going with the basic “standing beside each other and smiling to the camera” pose, you can always try levels. Levels are pretty simple: one of you has to sit down, and the other one will remain standing. This way, you guys make the picture prettier and more dynamic.
Fun snowy time!
Taking pictures during summertime is a breeze (no pun intended), but taking pictures in the winter can be quite a tricky task. First of all, you’ll be wearing way too many layers, plus you’ll have to act like the brutally cold weather is not bothering you at all.

Instead of wrapping yourself in winter clothes and making yourself look like a snowman, you can make your pictures fun. Stand on your side (rather than facing the camera) and ask your personal photographer to snap your photos as soon as you move your scarf. The second picture looks way better than the first.
Match your outfit with the surroundings
While your pose will determine how you look in your pictures, your outfit will also be a game-changer. What is the point of making your best pose to date and looking fierce when your outfit doesn’t match the background at all?

In the picture above, Bonnie is giving us two essential tips. One is that you should never leave your arms by your side like that — you should never forget to put your hands on your waist or inside the front pockets of your jeans or jacket. The second tip is if you match your outfit with the background, you’re going to look even better!
Take the perfect beach pic!
For those of us who don’t live near the ocean, it is not often that we get to visit a sunny, sandy beach. We want to make the most of it when we do, and we also want to capture this moment.

In case you’re looking forward to taking the prettiest photos at the beach, here’s a tip. Instead of crossing your legs Indian style and staring at the camera, look to the horizon, straighten your back, and cross your legs at the knees as you see in the bottom picture. This way, you’ll get to look chic in your beach photos!
Keep the lighting in front of you
In one of the pictures we showed you earlier, we mentioned the importance of lighting. If you can’t get natural lighting, you can always use a ring light or other props to get the perfect selfie. But, if you do have the privilege of natural lighting, you need to make the most of it.

First reminder: never turn your back to the light. You get the opposite of the desired effect when you do that, and your pictures turn out dark and hard to edit. Always face the natural lighting when taking a selfie — it will make your skin glow. Also, don’t forget to keep your chin up when taking selfies!
Get comfortable with your surroundings
There is nothing worse than not feeling comfortable when you are away from home or on vacation. Sometimes, we just can’t enjoy ourselves for some reason, and this uneasy feeling is obvious even through the lens of a camera.

Instead of taking photos while you still haven’t become acquainted with your new surroundings, wait until you are all settled and feeling comfy. Only then should you take pictures that will do justice to you and your companion — and don’t be scared to make the most of the props around you, like couches, tables, and benches!
If you must squat, do it in style
There are different ways in which you can pose for your pictures. By now, you know that very well. Sometimes, a particular pose may not suit you all that well. But the good news is that all it takes are a few tips on how to pose, and you’ll be good to go!

For instance, if you want to take a picture while you are squatting, you certainly don’t want to look goofy, which is quite common with squatting pictures. All it takes is a serious face and an effortlessly cool pose, and you’ll be the most confident girl on Instagram!
One step forward…one step back!
We have all heard that popular idiom that goes, “one step forward, two steps back.” Not only have we heard it — but sometimes we actually live it. Luckily, this next posing tip has nothing to do with the actual meaning of that idiom.

What we mean to say is that instead of standing flat, you can easily make your pictures look more lively and dynamic. Basically, what you have to do is take one step forward and one step back. Pretty simple, right?
Make the most of your clothes!
At this point, you have memorized that good photos require the perfect pose and great clothes. You don’t even have to put on a bunch of fancy clothes and accessories to find the perfect outfit. You just have to know how to make the most of it.

For instance, the dress that Bonnie is wearing may look like it’s just a simple dress in that first picture. But when she removes the fabric and lets the slit of her dress take over, it looks like she is ready to go to a fancy party!
Show off your curves
Not everyone is comfortable with showing their curves, and that is just fine. The number one tip for taking the perfect pictures is to not do anything that will make you uncomfortable because it will show right through your photos.

The good news is that there are subtle ways to show your curves and still feel comfy about it. Put on a nice blazer, keep your hand on your waist (inside the blazer) and lift your chin. You will look chic and comfortable in your own body!
It’s possible to take great pictures at home!
It is kind of an understatement to say that we don’t take pictures only when we are out on vacation. The truth is that we snap most of our photos when we are at home or hanging out in the city that we live in.

But who said that taking pictures at home can’t be glamorous? If your shower has a glass door, you can use it to make your homemade pictures look professional. Put on some smoky makeup, keep your hair wet, and sprinkle some water on the glass. The result will look similar to what you can see in the picture above.
Don’t settle for conventional poses
If you want to take memorable photos, you can’t settle for conventional poses. Plain and simple. Don’t just smile at the camera or stand with your hands in front of you; push the limits of photography and create your own poses!

In the first picture, Bonnie looks just like every other Instagram girl. Now, if you look at the image on the right, you’ll see that she looks incredibly relaxed, like she’s having the time of her life. It’s up to you to decide the look you want to go for!
Tight-fitting coats are perfect to make you look stylish
Sometimes, when you take pictures while wearing coats, the pictures may not come out as you expected them to. Some coats just don’t do our bodies justice and take away all of our curves. But, it’s an entirely different story if you buy a tight-fitting one.

Let’s draw a quick comparison of the two pictures above. In the first one, the open coat is not being nice to Bonnie’s body — you can’t even see the curve of her waist! Now, when she wrapped the coat tightly against her body, you can see how it helps her look thinner and more stylish.
Open poses are always good
Even though photographs don’t move, we can add dynamicity to them with just a few tricks. By now, you should know that leaving your arms hanging by your side won’t do you and your photos any good — but that’s easily avoidable.

Instead of not doing anything with your arms, put your hands on your waist. This way, you’ll get to show the feminine curve of your waist. Also, keep in mind to lift your chin and maybe raise an eyebrow — now, you’re ready to rock your Instagram feed!
The angle is a deal-breaker
This is not the first time that we have talked about angles. The camera angle when you take the picture is a game-changer, but so is the angle of your body. You may be wearing the perfect outfit and set up the camera in the best position possible — but none of that will matter if you don’t pose at the correct angle!

Instead of standing flat while facing the camera, you can turn your body to the side and put a hand on your waist. When you pose like Bonnie in the picture on the left, viewers will barely see your curves. Now, when you pose like in the second picture, you look confident, and we’ll be able to see your body more clearly.
Confidence is everything
Let’s say that you don’t feel comfortable with over-the-top poses or with certain outfits. That is entirely okay. Luckily for you, sometimes a simple pose will do the trick and make up for the perfect photo to post on social media. You just need one thing.

The one thing to have when taking pictures is confidence. Forget the elegant pose, makeup, and outfit. As long as you have confidence, your photos will look great. See the difference between the pictures above? In one, Bonnie is posing, but we can see she looks hesitant. There’s a drastic change in the other picture, and it’s all because she looks confident!
Another way of taking mirror selfies
Earlier in this article, we showed you how to take the perfect mirror selfie. Well, that method was great for a wall mirror that only reflected the upper part of your body. However, there’s another way to take a mirror selfie when you have a full-length mirror.

If you want to take a conceptual photo while sitting on the couch (or on the bed), don’t go for the usual “looking at your reflection from the screen of your phone” pose. Instead, look to the side, make a cute face, and snap the shot!
Innovate the pictures with your love
Here goes one more tip on how to take pictures with your love. While most people tend to settle for the same old poses, you and your significant other can raise the bar when it comes to couple’s pictures.

As always, don’t just stand there looking at the camera. Sometimes, all it takes is a slight movement, and you will have the most adorable pictures ever. You can see the difference between the two pictures above and how adding movement to the photo changes the whole vibe.
Sometimes, smiling is not the best option
Look, we get it: smiling in photos is a great way of letting people know that you are a nice person. But, do you always want to look like a nice girl in your pictures? Looking serious and chic in photos is the new trend, so why not give it a try?

Instead of smiling in pictures, it may be a good thing to change your usual pose and go for something a bit bolder. Put your hands on your waist (this way you can show off your curves), avoid looking at the camera, and put on your best girl boss face!
Lighting and chin are the keywords here
It is not unusual to meet people who genuinely believe that taking pictures with their back to the light is ideal. As we mentioned before, that is not the case at all. When taking selfies in a place with good lighting (right by a window, for instance), always face the light.

The difference between these two pictures is more than obvious. In the first one, the lighting is awful, and it doesn’t favor Bonnie’s features. All it takes is a 180-degree turn of her body, and even her hair looks prettier!
If you must, make toilet photos pretty
We all have peculiar habits and ideas, so let’s go into this next picture without any judgment. Some people like taking pictures standing by a window or next to a beautiful plant. And some people like to take pictures in their bathrooms.

In some places, the bathroom can be one of the fanciest rooms in a house, so it’s no wonder that some people like taking pictures there. While this is not that usual, you can make your toilet pictures look fancy. Just keep your back straight and put on your best RBF face!
A tip on taking candid photos in the winter
If we’re talking about Instagram trends, then we must certainly talk about candid photos. We have already shown you an example of these types of photos and how you can make them work for you. Here is another example.

If we didn’t sell you on the idea of candid photos, you should give it another thought. You don’t have to look weird in them simply because you don’t have to actually be spontaneous in them. There’s no shame in posing in a way that will make it look like a candid picture!
Put on a cute outfit and make the most of your house!
If you haven’t been traveling in a while and you are no longer feeling like posting old pictures from that trip you made ages ago, here’s an idea. Put on a cute outfit and make the most of your house!

This tip works incredibly well when there is a nice view from your balcony (or when you have a spectacular backyard to show off). You don’t even have to wear anything fancy. Maybe just throw on a hat and a pair of shades and make a few conceptual poses for your impromptu photoshoot, and you’re good to go!
Don’t be afraid to go all out!
It’s not unusual to feel shy when taking pictures. When we see digital influencers posting photos on social media, we get that feeling of, “I’d love to try posing like that, but I don’t think I could pull that off.”

While this is not a posing tip, it is a valuable tip that will help you when you want to take pictures when you feel like you won’t look good. First of all, you are beautiful, and your photos look great. Don’t hide behind a thick jacket or mug — go all out and take the prettiest pictures you can think of!
Keep a leg near the camera
In case you forgot, here is an important reminder that will make all your full-body pictures look even better. If you want to show off an outfit, make sure to always keep one of your legs near the camera, for it will add angles to your photo.

When you add angles, your photograph becomes prettier. All it takes is one leg in front of the other, and you’ll be showing off your curves. Also, take notice of how Bonnie is slightly raising her chin to add more power to her picture!
The perfect floor picture
How often do you see people sitting on the floor for their pictures? Most influences would be caught dead before sitting on the actual floor just to pose for images to post on their feed. If you want to show your followers you are the real deal, this next tip is for you.

Don’t be afraid to sit on the floor (especially when you are in your own house) to take pictures. Cross your legs like Bonnie is doing in the second picture, put on your best “powerful girl” face, and impress your followers with your photography skills!
Give priority to upper body pictures!
Taking full-body pictures is one of the biggest mistakes people make when taking photos. While there is nothing wrong with this type of photo (that is, as long as you know how to pose), maybe you should consider prioritizing upper body pictures.

If you are not sure about skipping the full-body pictures, ask your photographer to take a few of those and then to take more pictures — but, this time, ask them to only capture you from your hips up. Then compare the pictures and reach a conclusion by yourself. We can already tell you the second ones are going to look way better!
Let your waist be free
Deep down, it’s kind of hard for some of us to accept our bodies just the way they are. Sure, society is changing, and people are being more vocal about self-acceptance which is great. But, if you want to look even prettier in your photos, here’s a tip.

If you are at the beach or at a resort, and you want to take a nice picture for your Instagram, remember not to slouch. When you do that, you lose any chances of letting the world see your defined waist. If you keep your back straight for the photo, you’ll show off your curves!